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Considering Hijama therapy? Already Scheduled? Here is your page for learning about Hijama or preparing for your appointment.


“Indeed, in Hijama, there is a cure.” Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)


What is Hijama?

Hijama is an Arabic word that translates to "sucking". It is a "wet cupping" or "blood letting" technique.

It involves the placement of cups on certain parts of the body using manual vacuum suction to draw the skin up into the cup. Very small incisions, almost like "scratches" are made on the skin and allow the cup to draw blood up and out of the body. The benefits on the body include:

  • Improve circulation

  • Release toxins in the skin and blood

  • Stimulate the nervous system​

  • Relieve tension and overload on tissues and muscles

Hijama dates back to ancient Egypt and has been continued to be used throughout many different cultures, countries. It was an extremely important practice of the Ancient Egyptians, Chinese Dynasties and Persian Empire.

In Islamic religion, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) exclaimed many things regarding cupping, including “Indeed, in Hijama, there is a cure.” 

While Hijama is rooted and highly regarded in the Islamic religion, it is not just limited to Muslims. Many different religions and cultures utilize and can benefit from Hijama therapy. It is an all-inclusive practice. 

What are the benefits of Hijama?

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said “The best medical treatment you can apply, is cupping" [Sunan Abi Dawud 3857]

There are many potential benefits of Hijama, and it may be helpful in improving:

  • Pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headaches/Migraines

  • Depression

  • Immunity

  • Anxiety, stress

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Digestion ailments

  • Women's health ailments

  • Many more conditions!


What to Expect from Hijama?

Relief from Hijama can depend on the condition being treated, the complexity and chronicity of that condition. Most people may notice the benefits even after their first Hijama session. 

Everyone's journey with Hijama is unique and should be tailored as such. Hijama can be done as a maintenance therapy (i.e. 3-4x a year). It can be done to treat a more acute condition (i.e. Once monthly for a few months), or it can be done for traditional religious purposes for the Sunnah.

How often cupping is done will be up to you and your provider. 

There shouldn't be any severe pain during a Hijama session. You will feel a tightness on the skin when the cup is applied and perhaps some pressure, as if you placed a vacuum on the skin. The nerves adjust to this feeling during the session, and it becomes less noticeable. The small "scratches" or incisions in the skin are very superficial and should be felt as if someone is giving you very small scratches, if felt at all. 

Due to the blood letting or "wet cupping" method there will be visible red marks on the skin and some bruising. Everyone bruises differently. There is usually no need for concern, but just be aware of this if planning to attend an event in which you don't want these visible.

During a session you should feel relaxed. This is a quiet service. Regardless of the reason you are doing Hijama, the session will be quiet, with white noise and (if requested) diffused essential oils, so that the time is used to allow the body to focus on the treatment. 

A session may last anywhere from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. The cup placement and number of cups depends on what the treatment is.

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Who should NOT have HIjama

HIjama is not for everyone. Here is a list of people who should not receive Hijama therapy. 

  • Patients with Pacemakers/Defibrillators

  • Recent Surgery (wait 60 days post-surgery) 

  • Hemophilia or bleeding disorders

  • Patients with Anemia

  • Patients not able to stop their blood thinners*

  • Pregnancy

  • During heavy menstrual cycle 

  • Those with a transplanted organ

  • Undergoing chemotherapy

*Never discontinue medications including blood thinners without direction of the prescribing provider

Do's & Don'ts 
Before & After 

Before Hijama

  • Come with an empty stomach (no food 3 hours before appointment)

  • 24 hours before avoid animal proteins.

  • Avoid sex 24 hours before if possible

  • Come with clean skin. Shower to wash the body from dirt and debris, sweat

  • For 3 days before, avoid OTC medications/supplements including Fish Oil, NSAID medications including Aspirin, Ibuprofen/Advil, Naproxen/Aleve.


After Hijama

  • No eating for 2 hours after HIjama

  • When you do eat, light feat, light and nutrient dense foods are beneficial. COnsider dates as a snack

  • Avoid animal products for 24 hours

  • Avoid sex for 24 hours post Hijama

  • Wait 12 hours to shower

  • After showering, apply olive, black seed or coconut oil to keep wounds moist and improve healing and minimize any potential scarring

**Before or after do not discontinue any regular prescription medications. Blood thinners need to be stopped but should be done at direction and approval of prescribing physician**


Are you ready to experience the benefits of Hijama?

Call-Text-Email to reserve a Hijama session

Monday -Thursdays 

Evenings may be available


Morning Yoga
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